Welcome to a New Era: Qonexon is Now Kini! Streamlining Your Recruiting with Easier Integration, Pronunciation, and Memorability.
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Gaining job ad insights  has never been easier.
Get instant feedback about the performance of your running campaigns and optimise based on data.
Your running campaigns has been optimised successfully
Kini empowers you understand the current performance of your campaigns based on data.
The data insights provided by Kini can be used to adapt campaigns and improve budget allocation.
Use the performance data from Kini to continuously safe money and time.

Improve job ad performance based on data and not gut feeling.

Focus on core product
Access standardised performance data through API to reduce technical effort.
Satisfy your customer
Track underperforming campaigns to enable upselling potentials.
Safe recruiting budget
Gain performance inisghts to optimise budget allocation per traffic channel.